79 lines
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79 lines
2.7 KiB
import citext
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.sql import expression
from sqlalchemy_utils import view
from ereuse_devicehub.teal.db import SchemaSession, SchemaSQLAlchemy
class DhSession(SchemaSession):
def final_flush(self):
"""A regular flush that performs expensive final operations
through Devicehub (like saving searches), so it is thought
to be used once in each request, at the very end before
a commit.
# This was done before with an ``before_commit`` sqlalchemy action
# however it is too fragile –it does not detect previously-flushed
# things
# This solution makes this more aware to the user, although
# has the same problem. This is not final solution.
# todo a solution would be for this session to save, on every
# flush, all the new / dirty interesting things in a variable
# until DeviceSearch is executed
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.search import DeviceSearch
class SQLAlchemy(SchemaSQLAlchemy):
"""Superuser must create the required extensions in the public
schema of the database, as it is in the `search_path`
defined in teal.
# todo add here all types of columns used so we don't have to
# manually import them all the time
UUID = postgresql.UUID
CIText = citext.CIText
PSQL_INT_MAX = 2147483648
def drop_all(self, bind='__all__', app=None, common_schema=True):
"""A faster nuke-like option to drop everything."""
if common_schema:
def create_session(self, options):
return sessionmaker(class_=DhSession, db=self, **options)
def create_view(name, selectable):
"""Creates a view.
This is an adaptation from sqlalchemy_utils.view. See
`the test on sqlalchemy-utils <https://github.com/kvesteri/
sqlalchemy-utils/blob/master/tests/test_views.py>`_ for an
example on how to use.
table = view.create_table_from_selectable(name, selectable)
# We need to ensure views are created / destroyed before / after
# SchemaSQLAlchemy's listeners execute
# That is why insert=True in 'after_create'
db.metadata, 'after_create', view.CreateView(name, selectable), insert=True
event.listen(db.metadata, 'before_drop', view.DropView(name))
return table
db = SQLAlchemy(
session_options={'autoflush': False},
engine_options={"pool_size": 5, "max_overflow": 10}
f = db.func
exp = expression