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Devicehub can generate tags, which are synthetic identifiers that
identify a device in an organization. A tag has minimally two fields:
the ID and the Registration Number of the organization that generated
such ID.
In Devicehub tags are created empty, this is without any device
associated, and they are associated or **linked** when they are assigned
to a device. In Devicehub you usually use the AndroidApp to link
tags and devices.
The organization that created the tag in the Devicehub (which can be
impersonating the organization that generated the ID) is called the
**tag provider**. This is usual when dealing with other organizations
A device can have many tags but a tag can only be linked to one device.
As for the actual implementation, you cannot unlink them.
Devicehub users can design, generate and print tags, manually setting
an ID and a tag provider. Note though that these virtual tags don't have
to forcefully be printed or have a physical representation
(this is not imposed at system level).
Tags are case insensitive and are converted to lower-case in
We recognize a special type of tag, the ** tags (eTag)**.
These are tags defined by and that can be issued only
by tag providers that comply with the requisites.
The eTags are designed to empower device exchange between
organizations and identification efficiency. They are built with durable
plastic and have a QR code, a NFC chip and a written ID.
These tags live in separate databases from Devicehubs, empowered by
the ` Tag <>`_ software.
By using this software, certified tag providers
can create and manage the tags, and send them to Devicehubs of their
The section *Use-case with eTags* shows the use-case of these
Tag ID design
The eTag has a fixed schema for its ID: ``XXX-YYYYYYYYYYYYYY``, where:
- *XX* is the ** Tag Provider ID (eTagPId)**.
- *YYYYYYYYYYYY* is the ID of the tag in the provider..
The eTagPid identifies an official Tag provider; this ID
is managed by in a public repository. eTagPIds are made of
2 capital letters and numbers.
The ID of the tag in the provider (*YYYYYYYYYYYYYY*) consists from
5 to 10 capital letters and numbers (registering a maximum of 10^12
As an example, ``FO-A4CZ2`` is a tag from the ``FO`` tag provider
and ID ``A4CZ2``.
Creating tags
You need to create a tag before linking it to a device. There are
two ways of creating a tag:
- By performing ``POST /tags?ids=...`` and passing a list of tag IDs
to create. All users can create tags this method, however they
cannot create eTags. Get more info at the endpoint docs.
- By executing in a terminal ``flask create-tags <ids>`` and passing
a list of IDs to create. Only an admin is supposed to use this method,
which allows them to create eTags. Get more info with
``flask create-tags --help``.
Note that tags cannot have a slash ``/``.
Linking a tag
Linking a tag is joining the tag with the device.
In Devicehub this process is done when performing a Snapshot (POST
Snapshot), by setting tag ids in ``snapshot['device']['tags']``. Future
implementation will allow setting to the organization to ensure
tags are inequivocally correct.
Note that tags must exist in the database prior this.
You can only link once, and consecutive Snapshots that have the same
tag will validate that the link is correct so it is good praxis to
try to always provide the tag when performing a Snapshot. Tags help
too in finding devices when these don't generate a ``HID``. Find more
in the ``Snapshot`` docs.
Getting a device through its tag
When performing ``GET /tags/<tag-id>/device`` you will get directly the
device of such tag, as long as there are not two tags with the same
tag-id. In such case you should use ``GET /tags/<ngo>/<tag-id>/device``
to unequivocally get the correct device (feature to develop).
Tags and migrations
Tags travel with the devices they are linked when migrating them. Future
implementations can parameterize this.
Photochromic tags
The photochromic Reversible Tag helps the end-user to identify a
legitimate device that has correctly refurbished by an
authorized refurbisher, without the hassle to read the QR code.
Only authorized organizations can use the Photochromic tags.
Use-case with eTags
We explain the use-case of tagging a device with an :ref:`tags:eTags`,
going through the manufacturing of the tags, their distribution and
the final linkage between tag and computer.
For this use-case we suppose we want 100 eTags.
- Tag provider: organization that orders and manages the eTags; it is
certified by thus having permission to order the tags.
- NFC Tag manufacturer.
- Photochromic tag manufacturer.
- User: organization that uses the tags.
- At least one Devicehub. One Devicehub can contain several
organizations and inventories, or organizations can have their own
copy of Devicehub. Devicehub work distributely over the Internet.
- One ` Tag <>`_ running in a
server over the Internet by the *tag provider*.
Use case
1. The *tag provider* enters into the server containing the
* Tag* software and executes the command
``etag create-tags 100 --csv file.csv``, which creates 100
tags in the database and saves their URLs into a spreadsheet CSV file
called *file.csv*.
2. The *tag provider* sends the CSV file to the *NFC tag manufacturer*
and orders the 100 tags.
3. The *NFC tag manufacturer* creates those tags (NFC plus QR code)
and updates the CSV file with the NFC ID of each tag, so each row
of the CSV file contains the URL sent by the *tag provider* and
the ID of the NFC tag created by the *NFC tag manufacturer*.
4. The *Tag provider* updates * Tag* with the ID of the
NFC by executing ``etag update-tags file.csv`` where *file.csv* is the
file sent by the *NFC tag manufacturer*.
5. The *Tag provider* orders 100 photochromic tags to the *Photochromic
tag manufacturer*. Note that these tags don't require any special
6. The *Photochromic tag manufacturer* sends back 100 tags.
7. The *Tag provider* distributes the eTags (NFC and photochromic) to
several organizations, *users*, both physically by sending them and
virtually by executing ``etag set-tags
0 100``; this marks the tags in * Tag*
as *sent to* and creates the tags in that
8. The *user* receives the tags, sticks them in their devices, and scans
the NFC or QR codes:
1. By using the ` Android App <>`_
the user can scan the QR code or the NFC of the eTag.
2. If the *user* is processing devices with the
` Workbench <>`_, Workbench
automatically attaches hardware information like serial numbers,
otherwise the *user* can add that information through the app.
3. These softwares communicate with the Devicehub of the user and
command the Devicehub to link the device with the tag.
4. The Devicehub of the user links the tag.
5. The Devicehub creates or updates a virtual entity in Everythng
containing the device and the tag.
6. If Devicehub or Everythng detect that the tag was linked they won't
allow this operation. Devicehub can only detect if the app is linked
by looking at its internal database. Everythng, as it contains all
device and tag information, validates that the tag is not linked