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from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Set
from boltons import urlutils
from flask import g
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Column, ForeignKey, Sequence, UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship, validates
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent.models import Organization
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import Thing
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.utils import hashcode
from ereuse_devicehub.teal.db import DB_CASCADE_SET_NULL, URL, Query
from ereuse_devicehub.teal.marshmallow import ValidationError
from ereuse_devicehub.teal.resource import url_for_resource
class Tags(Set['Tag']):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return ', '.join(str(tag) for tag in self).strip()
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return ', '.join(format(tag, format_spec) for tag in self).strip()
class Tag(Thing):
internal_id = Column(
BigInteger, Sequence('tag_internal_id_seq'), unique=True, nullable=False
internal_id.comment = """The identifier of the tag for this database. Used only
internally for software; users should not use this.
id = Column(db.CIText(), primary_key=True)
id.comment = """The ID of the tag."""
owner_id = Column(
owner = relationship(User, primaryjoin=owner_id ==
org_id = Column(
# If we link with the Organization object this instance
# will be set as persistent and added to session
# which is something we don't want to enforce by default
default=lambda: Organization.get_default_org_id(),
org = relationship(
backref=backref('tags', lazy=True), == org_id,
"""The organization that issued the tag."""
provider = Column(URL())
provider.comment = """The tag provider URL. If None, the provider is
this Devicehub.
device_id = Column(
# We don't want to delete the tag on device deletion, only set to null
ForeignKey(, ondelete=DB_CASCADE_SET_NULL),
device = relationship(
backref=backref('tags', lazy=True, collection_class=Tags), == device_id,
"""The device linked to this tag."""
secondary = Column(db.CIText(), index=True)
secondary.comment = """A secondary identifier for this tag.
It has the same constraints as the main one. Only needed in special cases.
__table_args__ = (db.Index('device_id_index', device_id, postgresql_using='hash'),)
def __init__(self, id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(id=id, **kwargs)
def like_etag(self):
"""Checks if the tag conforms to the `eTag spec <http:
with suppress(ValueError):
provider, id ='-')
if len(provider) == 2 and 5 <= len(id) <= 10:
return True
return False
def from_an_id(cls, id: str) -> Query:
"""Query to look for a tag from a possible identifier."""
return cls.query.filter(( == id) | (cls.secondary == id))
@validates('id', 'secondary')
def does_not_contain_slash(self, _, value: str):
if '/' in value:
raise ValidationError('Tags cannot contain slashes (/).')
return value
def use_only_domain(self, _, url: URL):
if url.path:
raise ValidationError(
'Provider can only contain scheme and host', field_names=['provider']
return url
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint(id, owner_id, name='one tag id per owner'),
secondary, owner_id, name='one secondary tag per organization'
def type(self) -> str:
return self.__class__.__name__
def url(self) -> urlutils.URL:
"""The URL where to GET this device."""
# todo this url only works for printable internal tags
return urlutils.URL(url_for_resource(Tag, item_id=self.code))
def printable(self) -> bool:
"""Can the tag be printed by the user?
Only tags that are from the default organization can be
printed by the user.
return self.org_id == Organization.get_default_org_id()
def is_printable_q(cls):
"""Return a SQLAlchemy filter expression for printable queries."""
return cls.org_id == Organization.get_default_org_id()
def code(self) -> str:
return hashcode.encode(self.internal_id)
def get_provider(self) -> str:
return self.provider.to_text() if self.provider else ''
def delete(self):
"""Deletes the tag.
This method removes the tag if is named tag and don't have any linked device.
if self.device:
raise TagLinked(self)
if self.provider:
# if is an unnamed tag not delete
raise TagUnnamed(
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return '<Tag {} org:{0.org_id} device:{0.device_id}>'.format(self)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{} org: {} device: {0.device}'.format(self)
def __format__(self, format_spec: str) -> str:
return '{} {}'.format(self)
class TagLinked(ValidationError):
def __init__(self, tag):
message = 'The tag {} is linked to device {}.'.format(,
super().__init__(message, field_names=['device'])
class TagUnnamed(ValidationError):
def __init__(self, id):
message = 'This tag {} is unnamed tag. It is imposible delete.'.format(id)
super().__init__(message, field_names=['device'])