* First commit marking mvp decorator * Minor code style enhancements * Fixing some mvp test * Fixing some mvp test * Fixing test_sync_execute_register_no_hid_tag_not_linked * First iteration with almost all mvp tests working correctly * Rollback models.pyi of lot and device resources * Changing Github action to execute tests with tag mvp
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from typing import List
from uuid import UUID
import click.testing
import pytest
from boltons.urlutils import URL
import ereuse_devicehub.cli
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent.models import Organization
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.inventory import Inventory
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user import User
from tests.conftest import TestConfig
"""Tests the management of inventories in a multi-inventory environment
(several Devicehub instances that point at different schemas).
class NoExcCliRunner(click.testing.CliRunner):
"""Runner that interfaces with the Devicehub CLI."""
def invoke(self, *args, input=None, env=None, catch_exceptions=False, color=False,
r = super().invoke(ereuse_devicehub.cli.cli,
args, input, env, catch_exceptions, color, **extra)
assert r.exit_code == 0, 'CLI code {}: {}'.format(r.exit_code, r.output)
return r
def inv(self, name: str):
"""Set an inventory as an environment variable."""
self.env = {'dhi': name}
def cli(config, _app):
"""Returns an interface for the dh CLI client,
cleaning the database afterwards.
def drop_schemas():
with _app.app_context():
ereuse_devicehub.cli.DevicehubGroup.CONFIG = TestConfig
yield NoExcCliRunner()
def tdb1(config):
return Devicehub(inventory='tdb1', config=config, db=db)
def tdb2(config):
return Devicehub(inventory='tdb2', config=config, db=db)
def test_inventory_create_delete_user(cli, tdb1, tdb2):
"""Tests creating two inventories with users, one user has
access to the first inventory and the other to both. Finally, deletes
the first inventory, deleting only the first user too.
# Create first DB
cli.invoke('inv', 'add',
'-n', 'Test DB1',
'-on', 'ACME DB1',
'-oi', 'acme-id',
'-tu', 'https://example.com',
'-tt', '3c66a6ad-22de-4db6-ac46-d8982522ec40',
# Create an user for first DB
cli.invoke('user', 'add', 'foo@foo.com', '-a', 'Foo', '-c', 'ES', '-p', 'Such password')
with tdb1.app_context():
# There is a row for the inventory
inv = Inventory.query.one() # type: Inventory
assert inv.id == 'tdb1'
assert inv.name == 'Test DB1'
assert inv.tag_provider == URL('https://example.com')
assert inv.tag_token == UUID('3c66a6ad-22de-4db6-ac46-d8982522ec40')
assert db.has_schema('tdb1')
org = Organization.query.one() # type: Organization
# assert inv.org_id == org.id
assert org.name == 'ACME DB1'
assert org.tax_id == 'acme-id'
user = User.query.one() # type: User
assert user.email == 'foo@foo.com'
# Create a second DB
# Note how we don't create common anymore
cli.invoke('inv', 'add',
'-n', 'Test DB2',
'-on', 'ACME DB2',
'-oi', 'acme-id-2',
'-tu', 'https://example.com',
'-tt', 'fbad1c08-ffdc-4a61-be49-464962c186a8')
# Create an user for with access for both DB
cli.invoke('user', 'add', 'bar@bar.com', '-a', 'Bar', '-p', 'Wow password')
with tdb2.app_context():
inventories = Inventory.query.all() # type: List[Inventory]
assert len(inventories) == 2
assert inventories[0].id == 'tdb1'
assert inventories[1].id == 'tdb2'
assert db.has_schema('tdb2')
org_db2 = Organization.query.one()
assert org_db2 != org
assert org_db2.name == 'ACME DB2'
users = User.query.all() # type: List[User]
assert users[0].email == 'foo@foo.com'
assert users[1].email == 'bar@bar.com'
# Delete tdb1
cli.invoke('inv', 'del', '--yes')
with tdb2.app_context():
# There is only tdb2 as inventory
inv = Inventory.query.one() # type: Inventory
assert inv.id == 'tdb2'
# User foo@foo.com is deleted because it only
# existed in tdb1, but not bar@bar.com which existed
# in another inventory too (tdb2)
user = User.query.one() # type: User
assert user.email == 'bar@bar.com'
assert not db.has_schema('tdb1')
assert db.has_schema('tdb2')
def test_create_existing_inventory(cli, tdb1):
"""Tries to create twice the same inventory."""
cli.invoke('inv', 'add', '--common')
with tdb1.app_context():
assert db.has_schema('tdb1')
with pytest.raises(AssertionError, message='Schema tdb1 already exists.'):
cli.invoke('inv', 'add', '--common')