360 lines
15 KiB
360 lines
15 KiB
import csv
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized
import teal.marshmallow
from ereuse_utils.test import ANY
from ereuse_devicehub.client import Client, UserClient
from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Snapshot
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.documents import documents
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import models as d
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.hash_reports import ReportHash
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from tests import conftest
from tests.conftest import file
def test_erasure_certificate_public_one(user: UserClient, client: Client):
"""Public user can get certificate from one device as HTML or PDF."""
s = file('erase-sectors.snapshot')
snapshot, _ = user.post(s, res=Snapshot)
doc, response = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
assert 'html' in response.content_type
assert '<html' in doc
assert '2018' in doc
doc, response = client.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('format', 'PDF')],
assert 'application/pdf' == response.content_type
erasure = next(e for e in snapshot['actions'] if e['type'] == 'EraseSectors')
doc, response = client.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
assert 'html' in response.content_type
assert '<html' in doc
assert '2018' in doc
def test_erasure_certificate_private_query(user: UserClient):
"""Logged-in user can get certificates using queries as HTML and
s = file('erase-sectors.snapshot')
snapshot, response = user.post(s, res=Snapshot)
doc, response = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'id': [snapshot['device']['id']]})],
assert 'html' in response.content_type
assert '<html' in doc
assert '2018' in doc
doc, response = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
('filter', {'id': [snapshot['device']['id']]}),
('format', 'PDF')
assert 'application/pdf' == response.content_type
def test_erasure_certificate_wrong_id(client: Client):
client.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t, item='erasures/this-is-not-an-id',
def test_export_csv_permitions(user: UserClient, user2: UserClient, client: Client):
"""Test export device information in a csv file with others users."""
snapshot, _ = user.post(file('basic.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
csv_user, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
csv_user2, _ = user2.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
_, res = client.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})], status=401)
assert res.status_code == 401
assert len(csv_user) > 0
assert len(csv_user2) == 0
def test_export_basic_snapshot(user: UserClient):
"""Test export device information in a csv file."""
snapshot, _ = user.post(file('basic.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f, delimiter=';', quotechar='"')
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
# Open fixture csv and transform to list
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('basic.csv').open() as csv_file:
obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=';', quotechar='"')
fixture_csv = list(obj_csv)
assert isinstance(datetime.strptime(export_csv[1][17], '%c'), datetime), \
'Register in field is not a datetime'
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][:17] == export_csv[1][:17], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][18] == export_csv[1][18], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][20:] == export_csv[1][20:], 'Computer information are not equal'
def test_check_insert_hash(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
"""Test export device information in a csv file."""
snapshot, _ = user.post(file('basic.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
hash3 = hashlib.sha3_256(csv_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
assert ReportHash.query.filter_by(hash3=hash3).count() == 1
def test_export_extended(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
"""Test a export device with all information and a lot of components."""
snapshot1, _ = user.post(file('real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12'), res=Snapshot, status=201)
snapshot2, _ = user.post(file('complete.export.snapshot'), res=Snapshot, status=201)
with app.app_context():
# Create a pc with a tag
tag = Tag(id='foo', owner_id=user.user['id'])
# pc = Desktop(serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id'])
pc = d.Device.query.filter_by(id=snapshot1['device']['id']).first()
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f, delimiter=';', quotechar='"')
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
# Open fixture csv and transform to list
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath(
'proposal_extended_csv_report.csv').open() as csv_file:
obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=';', quotechar='"')
fixture_csv = list(obj_csv)
assert isinstance(datetime.strptime(export_csv[1][17], '%c'), datetime), \
'Register in field is not a datetime'
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][:17] == export_csv[1][:17], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][18] == export_csv[1][18], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][20:79] == export_csv[1][20:79], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][80] == export_csv[1][80], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][83:] == export_csv[1][83:], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][:17] == export_csv[2][:17], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][18] == export_csv[2][18], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][20:79] == export_csv[2][20:79], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][80] == export_csv[2][80], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][83:103] == export_csv[2][83:103], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][104] == export_csv[2][104], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][107:127] == export_csv[2][107:127], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][128] == export_csv[2][128], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[2][131:] == export_csv[2][131:], 'Computer information are not equal'
def test_export_empty(user: UserClient):
"""Test to check works correctly exporting csv without any information,
export a placeholder device.
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f)
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
assert len(export_csv) == 0, 'Csv is not empty'
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Feature not developed (Beta)')
def test_export_computer_monitor(user: UserClient):
"""Test a export device type computer monitor."""
snapshot, _ = user.post(file('computer-monitor.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['ComputerMonitor']})])
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f)
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
# Open fixture csv and transform to list
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('computer-monitor.csv').open() \
as csv_file:
obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file)
fixture_csv = list(obj_csv)
# Pop dates fields from csv lists to compare them
fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:8]
export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:8]
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Component information are not equal'
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Feature not developed (Beta)')
def test_export_keyboard(user: UserClient):
"""Test a export device type keyboard."""
snapshot, _ = user.post(file('keyboard.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Keyboard']})])
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f)
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
# Open fixture csv and transform to list
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('keyboard.csv').open() as csv_file:
obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file)
fixture_csv = list(obj_csv)
# Pop dates fields from csv lists to compare them
fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:8]
export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:8]
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Component information are not equal'
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Feature not developed (Beta)')
def test_export_multiple_different_devices(user: UserClient):
"""Test function 'Export' of multiple different device types (like
computers, keyboards, monitors, etc..)
# Open fixture csv and transform to list
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('multiples_devices.csv').open() \
as csv_file:
fixture_csv = list(csv.reader(csv_file))
for row in fixture_csv:
del row[8] # We remove the 'Registered in' column
# Post all devices snapshots
snapshot_pc, _ = user.post(file('real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.11'), res=Snapshot)
snapshot_empty, _ = user.post(file('basic.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
snapshot_keyboard, _ = user.post(file('keyboard.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
snapshot_monitor, _ = user.post(file('computer-monitor.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer', 'Keyboard', 'Monitor']})],
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f)
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
for row in export_csv:
del row[8]
assert fixture_csv == export_csv
def test_report_devices_stock_control(user: UserClient, user2: UserClient):
"""Test export device information in a csv file."""
snapshot, _ = user.post(file('basic.snapshot'), res=Snapshot)
snapshot2, _ = user2.post(file('basic.snapshot2'), res=Snapshot)
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
query=[('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f)
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
# Open fixture csv and transform to list
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('basic-stock.csv').open() as csv_file:
obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file)
fixture_csv = list(obj_csv)
assert user.user['id'] != user2.user['id']
assert len(export_csv) == 2
assert isinstance(datetime.strptime(export_csv[1][5], '%c'), datetime), \
'Register in field is not a datetime'
# Pop dates fields from csv lists to compare them
fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:5] + fixture_csv[1][6:]
export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:5] + export_csv[1][6:]
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv == export_csv
def test_get_document_lots(user: UserClient, user2: UserClient):
"""Tests submitting and retreiving all lots."""
l, _ = user.post({'name': 'Lot1', 'description': 'comments,lot1,testcomment-lot1,'}, res=Lot)
l, _ = user.post({'name': 'Lot2', 'description': 'comments,lot2,testcomment-lot2,'}, res=Lot)
l, _ = user2.post({'name': 'Lot3-User2', 'description': 'comments,lot3,testcomment-lot3,'}, res=Lot)
csv_str, _ = user.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
csv2_str, _ = user2.get(res=documents.DocumentDef.t,
f = StringIO(csv_str)
obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f)
export_csv = list(obj_csv)
f = StringIO(csv2_str)
obj2_csv = csv.reader(f, f)
export2_csv = list(obj2_csv)
assert len(export_csv) == 3
assert len(export2_csv) == 2
assert export_csv[0] == export2_csv[0] == ['Id', 'Name', 'Registered in', 'Description']
assert export_csv[1][1] == 'Lot1' or 'Lot2'
assert export_csv[1][3] == 'comments,lot1,testcomment-lot1,' or 'comments,lot2,testcomment-lot2,'
assert export2_csv[1][1] == 'Lot3-User2'
assert export2_csv[1][3] == 'comments,lot3,testcomment-lot3,'