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from contextlib import suppress
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from typing import Set, Union
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import RatingSoftware
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.models import AggregateRate, EreusePrice, \
InvalidRangeForPrice, Rate, WorkbenchRate
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.rate.workbench import v1_0
WorkbenchRate: {
RatingSoftware.ECost: {
'1.0': v1_0.Rate()
RatingSoftware.EMarket: {
def rate(device: Device, rate: Rate):
Rates the passed-in ``rate`` using values from the rate itself
and the ``device``.
This method mutates ``rate``.
:param device: The device to use as a model.
:param rate: A half-filled rate.
cls = rate.__class__
assert cls in RATE_TYPES, 'Rate type {} not supported.'.format(cls)
assert in RATE_TYPES[cls], 'Rate soft {} not supported.'.format(
assert str(rate.version) in RATE_TYPES[cls][], \
'Rate version {} not supported.'.format(rate.version)
RATE_TYPES[cls][][str(rate.version)].compute(device, rate)
def main(rating_model: WorkbenchRate,
software: RatingSoftware,
version: StrictVersion) -> Set[Union[WorkbenchRate, AggregateRate, EreusePrice]]:
Generates all the rates (per software and version) for a given
half-filled rate acting as a model, and finally it generates
an ``AggregateRating`` with the rate that matches the
``software`` and ``version``.
This method mutates ``rating_model`` by fulfilling it and
``rating_model.device`` by adding the new rates.
:return: A set of rates with the ``rate`` value computed, where
the first rate is the ``rating_model``.
assert rating_model.device
events = set()
for soft, value in RATE_TYPES[rating_model.__class__].items():
for vers, func in value.items():
if not rating_model.rating: # Fill the rating before creating another rate
rating = rating_model
else: # original rating was filled already; use a new one
rating = WorkbenchRate(
) = soft
rating.version = vers
rate(rating_model.device, rating)
if soft == software and vers == version:
aggregation = AggregateRate.from_workbench_rate(rating)
with suppress(InvalidRangeForPrice): # We will have exception if range == VERY_LOW
return events