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import datetime
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
import marshmallow
from flask import current_app as app, render_template, request
from flask.json import jsonify
from flask_sqlalchemy import Pagination
from marshmallow import fields, fields as f, validate as v
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from teal import query
from teal.cache import cache
from teal.resource import View
from ereuse_devicehub import auth
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.resources import search
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.definitions import ComponentDef
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Component, Computer, Device, Manufacturer, \
RamModule, Processor, DataStorage
from import DeviceSearch
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.models import Rate, Event
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot, LotDevice
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag
class OfType(f.Str):
def __init__(self, column: db.Column, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.column = column
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data):
v = super()._deserialize(value, attr, data)
return self.column.in_(app.resources[v].subresources_types)
class RateQ(query.Query):
rating = query.Between(Rate.rating, f.Float())
appearance = query.Between(Rate.appearance, f.Float())
functionality = query.Between(Rate.functionality, f.Float())
class TagQ(query.Query):
id = query.Or(query.ILike(, required=True)
org = query.ILike(
class LotQ(query.Query):
id = query.Or(query.QueryField(Lot.descendantsq, fields.UUID()))
class Filters(query.Query):
_parent = aliased(Computer)
_device_inside_lot = ( == LotDevice.device_id) & ( == LotDevice.lot_id)
_component_inside_lot_through_parent = ( == \
& (Component.parent_id == \
& ( == LotDevice.device_id)
type = query.Or(OfType(Device.type))
model = query.ILike(Device.model)
manufacturer = query.ILike(Device.manufacturer)
serialNumber = query.ILike(Device.serial_number)
rating = query.Join( == Rate.device_id, RateQ)
tag = query.Join( == Tag.device_id, TagQ)
lot = query.Join(_device_inside_lot | _component_inside_lot_through_parent, LotQ)
class Sorting(query.Sort):
id = query.SortField(
created = query.SortField(Device.created)
class DeviceView(View):
class FindArgs(marshmallow.Schema):
search = f.Str()
filter = f.Nested(Filters, missing=[])
sort = f.Nested(Sorting, missing=[])
page = f.Integer(validate=v.Range(min=1), missing=1)
def get(self, id):
Devices view
description: Gets a device or multiple devices.
- name: id
type: integer
in: path
description: The identifier of the device.
description: The device or devices.
return super().get(id)
def one(self, id: int):
"""Gets one device."""
if not request.authorization:
return self.one_public(id)
return self.one_private(id)
def one_public(self, id: int):
device = Device.query.filter_by(id=id).one()
return render_template('devices/layout.html', device=device)
def one_private(self, id: int):
device = Device.query.filter_by(id=id).one()
return self.schema.jsonify(device)
def find(self, args: dict):
"""Gets many devices."""
search_p = args.get('search', None)
query = Device.query
if search_p:
properties =
tags = DeviceSearch.tags
query = query.join(DeviceSearch).filter(
search.Search.match(properties, search_p) | search.Search.match(tags, search_p)
search.Search.rank(properties, search_p) + search.Search.rank(tags, search_p)
query = query.filter(*args['filter']).order_by(*args['sort'])
if args['format']:
return self.spreadsheet(query)
devices = query.paginate(page=args['page'], per_page=30) # type: Pagination
ret = {
'items': self.schema.dump(devices.items, many=True, nested=1),
# todo pagination should be in Header like github
'pagination': {
'perPage': devices.per_page,
'previous': devices.prev_num,
'next': devices.next_num
'url': request.path
return jsonify(ret)
def spreadsheet(self, query):
devices = []
for device in query:
d = DeviceRow(device)
titles = [name for name in devices[0].keys()] +
rest = [[value for value in row.values()] for row in devices]
class DeviceRow(OrderedDict):
NUMS = {
Processor.t: 1
def __init__(self, device: Device) -> None:
self.device = device
self['Type'] = device.t
if isinstance(device, Computer):
self['Chassis'] = device.chassis
self['Tag 1'] = self['Tag 2'] = self['Tag 3'] = ''
for i, tag in zip(range(1, 3), device.tags):
self['Tag {}'.format(i)] = format(tag)
self['Serial Number'] = device.serial_number
self['Price'] = device.price
self['Model'] = device.model
self['Manu...'] = device.manufacturer
self['Regsitered in '] = device.created
if isinstance(device, Computer):
self['Processor'] = device.processor_model
self['RAM (GB)'] = device.ram_size
self['Size (MB)'] = device.data_storage_size
rate = device.rate # type: Rate
if rate:
self['Rate'] = rate.rating
self['Range'] = rate.rating_range
self['Processor Rate'] = rate.processor_rate
self['RAM Rate'] = rate.ram_rate
self['Data Storage Rate'] = rate.data_storage_rate
# New Update fields (necessaris?)
# Origin note = Id-Donació
# Target note = Id-Receptor
# Partner = cadena de custodia (cadena de noms dels agents(entitas) implicats) [int]
# Margin = percentatges de com es repeteix els guanys del preu de venta del dispositiu. [int]
# Id invoice = id de la factura
if isinstance(device, Computer):
def components(self):
assert isinstance(self.device, Computer)
for type in app.resources[Component.t].subresources_types: # type: str
max = self.NUMS.get(type, 4)
i = 1
for component in (r for r in self.device.components if r.type == type):
self.fill_component(type, i, component)
i += 1
if i >= max:
while i < max:
self.fill_component(type, i)
i += 1
def fill_component(self, type, i, component = None):
self['{} {} Serial Number'.format(type, i)] = component.serial_number if component else ''
if isinstance(component, DataStorage):
self['{} {} Compliance'.format()] = component.compliance
class ManufacturerView(View):
class FindArgs(marshmallow.Schema):
name = marshmallow.fields.Str(required=True,
# Disallow like operators
validate=lambda x: '%' not in x and '_' not in x)
def find(self, args: dict):
name = args['name']
manufacturers = Manufacturer.query \
.filter( + '%')) \
.paginate(page=1, per_page=6) # type: Pagination
return jsonify(