- [install docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/#install-using-the-convenience-script), docker compose plugin is recommended, in debian stable this is `docker-compose-plugin`.
- make: some of the actions are declared in `Makefile`, you will need `sudo apt install make`.
- figlet: display large texts, better visibility when running all the pilots together `sudo apt install figlet`.
Execute `./build__all.sh` to run all the pilots, that includes building locally all the docker images and deploying its docker compose (each pilot has its `docker-compose__pilot-example.yml`).
You can use these docker images for developing the software. This repo is targeted on integrating, deploying and testing the IdHub tools. You can do the same with the other tools, the trick used is to override the docker's directory with a local directory. Example found on all pilots instances
If you are developing IdHub, all the instances generate a copy of the target repository such as `idhub1__pilot-example`, which you can modify there, and the changes will apply to the deployment
In the `.env` there are some variables intended to be used for debugging purposes