this repo is a reinitialization with a change in the concept previous repo had git subtree of django-musician and django-orchestra, that was too static for our interest next approach is a script that pulls git repos, and that would be needed if you want to build everything, if not, just with the docker compose you would have enough for running the containers, hence, downloading the images from the docker registry
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FROM debian:bullseye-slim
# based on
# 0. rsync -avhP root@ orchestra
# 1. copy this Dockerfile into a dir containing orchestra, like:
# $ ls
# Dockerfile orchestra
# 2. docker build -f orchestra .
# 3. docker rm orchestra; docker run -v /Users/maymerichgubern/orchestra/orchestra/:/home/orchestra -p 8443:443 -p 8080:80 -it --name orchestra orchestra bash
# 4. sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = .*/ALLOWED_HOSTS = ('', 'localhost')/" panel/
# 5. service postgresql start; service uwsgi start; service nginx start
# 6. goto https://localhost:8443/admin/
#RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt update && apt-get install -y \
python3-minimal \
python3-pip \
postgresql \
python3-psycopg2 \
cron \
nginx-full \
uwsgi \
uwsgi-plugin-python3 \
sudo \
ca-certificates \
gettext \
bind9utils \
wget \
expect \
wkhtmltopdf \
procps \
net-tools \
ssh \
wkhtmltopdf \
xvfb \
python3-minimal \
python3-dev \
zlib1g-dev \
libcrack2-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libxslt1-dev \
# Clean up to reduce image size
RUN apt clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# celery pinned because big changes on periodic_tasks related API
# celery3.1 wont support > python3.9 (dependency with celery should be removed), celery3.1 won't support django4.0
# orchestra initially was using celery to run async tasks, but then switched to process/threads without MQ... but the dependency with celery was never fully removed :(
# django-iban wont support > 4.0 (django-iban is deprecated, replace by django-localflavor)
# django 3 cannot work
# RUN pip3 install \
# django==3.2.18 \
# django-fluent-dashboard \
# django-admin-tools \
# django-extensions \
# celery==3.1.23 \
# django-celery==3.3.1 \
# django-cors-headers \
# Markdown \
# djangorestframework \
# ecdsa \
# Pygments \
# django-filter \
# jsonfield \
# python-dateutil \
# \
# django-iban \
# requests \
# phonenumbers \
# django-countries \
# django-localflavor \
# amqp \
# pytz \
# cracklib \
# lxml
# TODO maybe from here goes to docker entrypoint?
# TODO assumes that the project already exists, and in some cases that would be interesting
#COPY django-orchestra /home/orchestra
COPY django-orchestra /home/orchestra
# this is to ensure django project is created on top of this working directory
WORKDIR /home/orchestra/
# TODO fix this better in the repo itself
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install lxml==4.9.3
#RUN sed -i 's/lxml==3.3.5/lxml==4.9.3/' requirements.txt
# solves "No module named 'orchestra'"
RUN pip install -e .
RUN django-admin startproject panel --template=/home/orchestra/orchestra/conf/project_template/
RUN adduser orchestra \
&& sudo adduser orchestra sudo \
&& su - orchestra
ENV PATH=$PATH:/home/orchestra/django-orchestra/orchestra/bin
WORKDIR /home/orchestra/panel
COPY docker/orchestra.migrate.exp /home/orchestra/panel
COPY docker/ .
# RUN expect -f ./orchestra.migrate.exp
# #RUN sed -i "s/'HOST': '',/'HOST': '*',/" panel/
# RUN sed -i "s/^ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['*'\]/" panel/
# CMD ./ runserver
# EXPOSE 9080:9080
#RUN echo /home/orchestra/django-orchestra/ > /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/orchestra.pth
# TODO move this to entrypoint, with fakedata
# && su postgres bash -c 'psql -f <(zcat /home/orchestra/orchestra_db_20230907.sql)' \
#RUN service postgresql start \
# && python3 setupnginx --user orchestra \
# && su orchestra bash -c 'python3 setupcronbeat' \
# && su orchestra bash -c 'python3 syncperiodictasks'